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zed (Offline)
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01-22-2009, 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
You are incorrect. If the chemicals man is using now were not present on earth 2000 years ago, where did man get them? Outer space? All chemicals used by man originate on earth, meaning that they have always been here.

What is trash made of? Paper, which comes from trees, metals, which come from the soil, and plastic, which is refined from petroleum, which also comes from the soil. Petroleum is called a "fossil fuel", meaning that it is formed from decayed plants and animals.

Many of these chemicals which we "pollute" the earth with are harmful in the short term, but they eventually break down into their original state, and return to the soil from which they came.
have you ever heard of non degradable waiste, or have you seen our oceans, they are full of plastic, there is alot research to back me up, it does brake down, but just into smaller peaces and in a really long period of time, meanwile is destroying the life in the oceans. there is proof of samples taken even far into the seas and all them came out polluted, (yust so you know what pollution is) and if you say that CO2 is not that dangerous try sticking your nose into a car exhaust pipe for five minutes and see what hapens to your lungs. that is why in very crowded cities people sufer alot from respiratory problems.

Original language: spanish learning to write in be patient.

Last edited by zed : 01-22-2009 at 08:32 PM.
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