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01-22-2009, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
You are lying. The number was not 1500, it was 51. Where did you get your facts?

The "Oregon Petition", which demanded that the UN reject the Kyoto protocol and re-investigate the IPCC's research was signed by 31,000 scientists.

This letter was addressed to the UN last year, it was written by scientists who are demanding that the UN set the scientific record straight in regards to "global warming".
Did you checked the site? or just posted, that only reflects that you are so closed minded that you can't see the other side, I have checked yours and only lists 13 sientists check my reference and you will find at least 360 plus from those there are more than 100 who have Novel awards.

the fact that planet is warming is irrefutable, here is another site were you can inform yourself about it, it is true that natural warmht is ocurring as as it has happened every 100,000 years, this are some of the reasons why.Sunlight brings energy into the climate system; most of it is absorbed by the oceans and land.
By natural warming
The greenhouse effect is a natural warming process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and certain other gases are always present in the atmosphere. These gases create a warming effect that has some similarity to the warming inside a greenhouse, hence the name “greenhouse effect.”

but this is what is been happening over the lasts decades,
amplified warming
Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases intensifies the greenhouse effect. Higher concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap more infrared energy in the atmosphere than occurs naturally. The additional heat further warms the atmosphere and Earth’s surface. usually the planet itself would take care of it but we are putting more on the atmosfere than it can handle.

this is the way nature deals whith it.
Short-Term Cycles:
Carbon is exchanged rapidly between plants and animals through respiration and photosynthesis, and through gas exchange between the oceans and the atmosphere.

Long-Term Cycle:
Over millions of years, carbon in the air is combined with water to form weak acids that very slowly dissolve rocks. This carbon is carried to the oceans where some forms coral reefs and shells. These sediments may be moved deep into the Earth by drifting continents and eventually released into the atmosphere by volcanoes.

now this is how the gases we are puting in the atmosphere afect it.
carbon dioxide (CO2)56%, methane (CH4)18%, nitrous oxide (N2O)6%, the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)13% used in air conditioners and many industrial processes, and ozone 7%

if you want to learn about other reasons why the planet is warming up visit this site.
Global Warming Facts and Our Future - Introduction

Original language: spanish learning to write in be patient.

Last edited by zed : 01-22-2009 at 08:20 PM.
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