Originally Posted by MMM
I am with you Sinestra. Others can argue how insignificant January 20 was, but I will surely remember it for the rest of my life.
Ya know im really not trying to bash anyone. Every person is entitled to their own opinion and i respect that but only if you post WHY you have such feelings and actually generate a discussion instead of petty one lined ignorance. Im usually the quiet one and just dont involved the usual crap around here, but some comments just irritate me.
MMM is right weather you like Obama or not the crowed was full hope the air was positive i know I WAS THERE from 6am to 7pm i talked with people i felt their excitement and when i see non citizens flying thousands of miles to see a man sworn into the highest office of a country they don't even reside in that tells me something. You don't have to believe me if you don't want too, but speak with anyone who spent their time in the freezing cold just to see this man speak. You think people would brave 18-20 degree weather just to see anyone speak HELL TO THE NO. Its was a part of history and many of us will remember it for the rest of our lives and i know i will. If you chose not to acknowledge it so be it but do not BASH people who after 8 long years of misery want to start being optimistic and hope that the country will get better. I for one (forgive my language) would rather think the country is going to get back on track then to sit around like a whiny bitch and complain about this and that. (by the way if you didn't vote you don't even get that privilege)
Once again we can have constructive debates without resorting to childlike name calling we all differ on opinion its how you voice that opinion that will make other see you as an uneducated fool or someone with an actual IQ.