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01-22-2009, 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by fluffy0000 View Post
Sinestra not to pick a bone with your post but on the 20th Jan the Dow Jones Industrial dropped 332 pts with the major indexs down roughly 4 % according to the Assoc. Press Jan 21-09' On top of that US Bureau of Labor for unemployment figures for just the months of Oct.08' and Dec.08' were roughly 1.5 million US workers who had lost their jobs. A look at Dec.08 Broadcast of CSPAN with Dept. of Labor officials show that the current employment picture for the US economy outlook into 2012 is a 50/50 chance of either going positive or negitive with or without the 'TARP'. Translation the number of people present at the Obama InAug on Jan. 20 are significant but just as true the number of people when adjusted for 20 plus days of Jan. mean more US citizens lost their jobs than your numbers present at the Wash. mall -Btwn the months of Oct.08' Jan16-09'. By the time you read this post according to the US Dept of Labor Website the- insured unemployment claims for week ending Jan 16 will have increased from the previous week by 62,000 claims. This figure does not deal with people without unemployment insurance or those whose unemployment insurance has expired. Above fig. supplied US Dept. Labor Website on Labor Statistics posted Jan22-09'.
Fluffy what in the HELL did your post have to do with anything i stated in my previous post?

Btw because of my job i basically work in DC and see many figures and numbers from unemployment to how much damn water is being used in the district.

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