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01-22-2009, 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
What the heck are you talking about? Have you read anything I said? I haven't ONCE said the Earth isn't getting warmer. I've said MAN MADE Global Warming is a bunch of S!!!

And btw, before I answer your question, it'd be nice to hear a response to my question
ok fair enough, but since the answear about the facts of global warming wasn't directed to you I thought you agreed with sangetsu. anyway sorry for the assumpsion.

well where should I start, maybe in history of the planet, as I said before there is a cicle that repits itself every 100,000 years (give or take) and is when the planet heats up, and there is al Ice Age in between, or viceversa, and it includes the position and orbit of the planet respect to the sun, maybe that answers your question, but this time the planet has been warming up more rapidly than it normaly does, so in my opinion humans have contribuited to it, I never said It was all because of humans and I think we have to take responsability for the fact that our polution has helped to increase the problem, go to the site:

Global Warming Facts and Our Future - Introduction

and you will find alot of natural and human causes.

note: the site is kind of bias, but don't pay attention to it, it has good info.

Original language: spanish learning to write in be patient.

Last edited by zed : 01-22-2009 at 11:13 PM.
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