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01-22-2009, 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Dude I think you need to relax a little... Maybe you can take your advice as well, just because you want to have HOPE it doesn't mean you have to drag other people along with you!

People stating they're "unhopefulness", isn't them trying to drag you down!
Im actually very relaxed it takes more than this stuff to get me going, Trying lunch with lobbyist's that will get you going.

I see a trend everyday that disturbs me and has me worried about the future of this country in general. That trend is well nothing will change and you are a food if you think something will just because the white house has a new chief, or one person cant make difference. These are the sort of people who in real life have no hope in anything. You could win the lottery they would still find a way to make you feel bad You could get married they would tell you constantly it would end in divorce ect ect.

Once again everyone has the right to feel anyway they want, but all it takes is for one person to have a little hope to ignite a spark. If any one of you want to tell the 85 year old women i met on Tues she is a fool for having hope then more power to you.

Now i respect everyone here for their opinion and stating them instead of one line BS. Im not picking on anyone nor am i upset with anyone I would just rather focus on being positive than negative it takes a lot of energy to be negative 24/7.

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