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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-23-2009, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
I saw this on yahoo today and it's their featured video. Climate Change or Global Warming is somewhat real.

It's nonsense, and more IPCC hype. Antarctica has seen record ice levels for nearly 2 years. Ice shelves break off and fall into the ocean naturally due to gravity and the pressure of the ice further inland.

Do you know why the UN and IPCC keep pushing this nonsense? Because of money. The US alone is spending $29 billion dollars a year to fund "climate change" research. More than $1 trillion has been spent worldwide as a result of global warming nonsense. If people stop believing that it's happening the money will stop.

I love the nonsense the UN spreads about how sea ice has reached historic lows, especially when records of sea ice have only been kept for 30 years . They fail to mention that the northwest passage through the arctic was navigable by ship more than 100 years ago, something which is not possible today because it is now frozen over with sea ice.

And even with the the short record-keeping time span, sea ice has now returned to the 1979 to 2000 average.

How about dying polar bears? How many have died as a "result of global warming"? The number so far is 4. But the UN fails to mention that there are about 25,000 polar bears living in the arctic. In 1940 there were only 5000 polar bears. Using the UN's flawed logic, global warming should actually be increasing the number of polar bears, as their numbers have increased 800% as the world has "become warmer".

Last edited by Sangetsu : 01-23-2009 at 01:19 AM.
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