Originally Posted by YukisUke
Somewhat real? Look around you. The polar ice caps of Antartica are melting at a rapid pace, it's getting very cold in places that are normally scorching hot. Face it. We're all gonna die a VERY horrible death!
If the polar ice caps were melting at the levels in the pre-2007 IPCC report (the worst estimate), it would take about 10,000 years before the world's cities were affected by rising sea levels.
In the 2007 IPCC report, the severity of global warming was reduced. Why? Because the world is no longer getting warmer. But, once again, in the worst case scenario presented in the 2007 report, it would take twice as long for the ice to melt, about 20,000 years.
I don't think anyone here is going to be around when (and if) it happens.