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(#60 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-23-2009, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by zed View Post
have you ever heard of non degradable waiste, or have you seen our oceans, they are full of plastic, there is alot research to back me up, it does brake down, but just into smaller peaces and in a really long period of time, meanwile is destroying the life in the oceans. there is proof of samples taken even far into the seas and all them came out polluted, (yust so you know what pollution is) and if you say that CO2 is not that dangerous try sticking your nose into a car exhaust pipe for five minutes and see what hapens to your lungs. that is why in very crowded cities people sufer alot from respiratory problems.
There is no such thing as non-degradable waste. Some waste takes longer to degrade than others, but it all eventually degrades. I agree that pollution is a problem, but we aren't talking about plastic or paper here, we are talking about global warming.

Co2 is not a pollutant. It is necessary to life, as plants breathe it as we breathe oxygen. It does not cause respiratory problems, it does not cause sickness, and, it does not cause global warming.

The current levels of Co2 in the air are as low as 1% of their levels at other times in history, and the world is still around, isn't it?

You aren't even educated enough to spell "break" properly, come back in a few years when you've learned enough to speak coherently about the subject.

As for cars producing Co2, the average car produces less than 1/3 the amount of Co2 that the average house does. If you really want to reduce Co2 you should be living in your car.
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