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(#10 (permalink))
StangGuy (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 101
Join Date: Jun 2008
01-23-2009, 01:58 AM

Originally Posted by glg20 View Post
I agree with the jet lag thing. For those of you who traveled from the Americas, should I try and stay awake during the flight to Japan, thus arriving really tired so that I can sleep in the hotel? Or, should I sleep on the plane? It's going to be a looooong day. 2 flights, a few hours in Los Angeles (heard the airport sucks) and a Singapore Airlines flight to Tokyo. Total of about 18 hours and 16 time zones.

Since I'm arriving in Tokyo a day before my cousin, I'll have a full day for myself. I could use it to rest or go see something by myself. What would you recommend I do on my own on the first day in Tokyo, something that my cousin won't miss out on or that is interesting enough to see twice?

Once he arrives and sleeps at the hotel at night, we'll head out in the morning towards Hiroshima and make our way up the coast to Kansai.
What time do you arrive in Tokyo? That really determines whether you should sleep on the flight or not. If you are arriving at 5pm Tokyo time you should try and prepare your body for it being 5pm. For me I always try and stay awake through the flight so I am tired at night when I arrive at my destination. However, because you have a nights sleep before needing to go anywhere don't worry about it.

I will second LAX being a bad experience. I flew through there on my last trip to Japan. Unless your flight into LAX is on Singapore Airlines you will have to travel to a different terminal and go back through security. There are something like 8 seperate terminals and it takes around 20-30 minutes to get all the way around on the airport shuttle. The international terminal is old and was undergoing some renovations when I was there in late September. It was dark and uncomfortable with no wireless and poor cellphone access once past security.
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