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(#62 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-23-2009, 03:18 AM

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
[sigh]First of all, Climate change doesnt happen in a split second. The fact that 4 polar bears had died already because of a so called climate change just proves that it really exist. Sure, it may just be 4 out of 25,000 but it still killed 4. Slowly, very slowly, there's something going on.
No one disagrees that there is climate change, it changes every day. But man's effect in the climate is negligible.

Fact, there use to be Viking farms on Greenland, meaning that at one time it was not covered in ice as it now is. That means that the world is now cooler than it was 700 years ago.

Fact, 100 years ago ships were able to navigate the northwest passage. That is not possible now because the northwest passage is covered by sea ice year-round. Does this not mean that temperatures in the 19th century were warmer than the temperatures of today?

Climate change does occur, it always has, and always will, but man's influence upon it is almost immeasurably small.

As for polar bears, they have existed for 500,000 years. During several periods of that time, there was no arctic ice, yet they survived. What does that tell you? It tells you that, unlike what you are being told in the news by politically biased reporters and so-called scientists, polar bears can exist in an environment without sea ice.

But, thankfully for the polar bears, the sea ice is not decreasing.

Am I getting through?
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