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(#64 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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01-23-2009, 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
Well, I get you. You have some nice facts there.

Fact, the world has an ozone layer which is scientifically proven. It prevents too much heat from the sun to enter earth. I know that everybody knows this, but human pollutions from the last thousand years up to now have affected the so called ozone layer. That means that the heat temperature that enters the earth is much hotter than before, specially now that there's factories that directly dispose chemicals to the air.

Let's not even begin with the ozone layer, one argument is enough for now. But if you want know, research is now showing that the hole in the ozone layer is naturally occurring, and once again, is not affected by man made chemicals.

And, if in fact what you say is true, and ozone depletion is allowing more heat into the atmosphere, why have temperatures declined during the last 10 years? The only logical explanation is that either A, ozone has nothing to do with heat entering the atmosphere, or B, there is nothing wrong with the ozone layer. Which is it?
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