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Reeta-Leena Korhola
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01-23-2009, 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by Aniki View Post
It's obvious to me that you're going to play it no matter what I'd say, but don't get high hopes. About the scary parts... well I don't want to spoil everything, so I will only say that they used "the element of surprise" a lot to scare instead of gore and other horrors seen in previous parts.
Unlike other SH parts there where a lot of battles where you just couldn't run away from the enemy and was forced to fight and there is that on-screen button pressing taken from Resident Evil 4, which was annoying to me. Some elements were also taken from the movie like the changing from the normal world into the Otherworld.

Mm, so you played it an beat it?? and yeah, I will most likely get the game sometime soon and play it, and Element of surprise, they used that alot in Silent Hill 3(but of course, plenty of gore as well), did you think that was scary some elements of that game were not all though, guess I' am kinda still looking forward to Homecoming, seems like it still has an interesting story line but I watched some vids online and on tv, and like you said it really doesn't look scary at all.
Yeah, I like the fear you get when you have to fight a battle in Silent Hill, and you thought "damn, im gonna die" I never played Resident evil four, there's escape buttons for battle....sounds like final Fantasy hmmm. Oh and didn't they show the other world changing a few times in Silent hill four?

Rest in peace Kyle <3
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