I know a japanese guy in early forties who happen to be my customer. My first impression of him was "suave". He also happen to grap my attention whenever I visited his co. But I dint do much as I reckon he should be married. We could communicate well in as he did his college in Australia. Then few months before I leave my job, I visited his co n , had lunch with him n one of his subordinate. However, before I depart, he told me he will leave back to japan. I was shocked. We begin talking and sent short message via handphone. Then I learnt he is a divorcee.
Before he leave for japan, we meet as usual n for the last time we chat, I gave him a light farewell hug. As I pull back, much to my surprised, he pull me back really hard and hug me on the other side of his shoulder. I guess he did it out of emotion as he's very reluctant to leave back home. Am I missing out something or am I reading too much based on one such action?