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(#126 (permalink))
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Yuna7780 (Offline)
I'm Missh Yuna! ♥
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Join Date: Aug 2007
01-24-2009, 02:58 AM

*dog ears go up* Silent Hill discussions?!

I just got Homecoming. I'm not going to play it until I beat Persona 4 and RE4. I just don't have time now. T3T

Anyway, I'm really excited to play it. I love Silent Hill so much, but I never really liked SH4. I couldn't get into and thought it was harder. I couldn't figure out what to do in the subway. That's quite pathetic, as for I play on the puzzle levels of Hard/Expert on the other games and don't have to look up cheats. I'm smart like that.

I have another game to add... Zelda Windwaker. I was playing this game with my friends earlier this week-- one who's never played, and one who knows how to do everything. This game is horrifying in so many ways. I think it's weird and odd. I don't freak out in Zelda, but the little kid with snot running... DISTURBING IMAGES!!

Thanks for reading!
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