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JF Ossan
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01-24-2009, 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Yuna7780 View Post
My dad gave me a few years back called "Global Warming and Other Eco-Myths" and when I get bored, I flip through my dad's books in his office.

EDIT: I don't really want to write much more in this thread because I don't want to fight with anybody.
If you are going to come in and say "I think global warming is a myth, and here is why..." then that works.

If you just say "Global Warming is BS" and then walk away, it doesn't work so well.

And we have gone from "I have read a few books" to you flipping through a book a few years old.

I am not trying to pick on you, Yuna, but this is how Internet discussions go.
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