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(#3 (permalink))
chucky (Offline)
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Posts: 7
Join Date: Jan 2009
01-24-2009, 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
It might help if we knew if you were a guy or a girl, gay or straight, and what you are thinking about the guy.

If you just want to know if there is some meaning in his hug, he is an internationally savvy man, and it is 2009, so stereotypes probably won't fit.
Dear MMM,
I am a modern woman in my thirties
Extremely straight n walk out of a "3-party" relationship a year n half ago.
well, I tot I have missed out on him esp when I know he's still available , plus leaving 4 Japan. But as we communicate, we could relate a lot to each other. By the way, he's been repatriate as he cant get along with his peers fm his office n GM wanted him out.
Eh, he's much a stubborn but someone that hold principle. Not much a high ego though. Can be gentle person, esp when we r together.
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