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01-26-2009, 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by SceptileMaster View Post
Well Japan is high up on my list of where I want to eventually live (I have already 100% decided to emmigrate when I have the necessary language abilities). So I would preferrably like to be able to speak and read it fluently including literature and other such things.

So would I be better not to go through Remembering the Kanji and learning the readings at the same time as the meanings? Stop me while I'm ahead because I've just went and learnt 34 of them :S.

Thanks for all help thus far.
In my opinion, RtK is not the best way to go about becoming fully literate. I can easily get in four-five kanji a day with pretty darn good retention by just learning them. Every day, I review the past ten or so I've done, along with weekly reviews. Just find a few good sources and learn stroke order, meaning, and readings thoroughly.

Granted, simple learning doesn't work for everyone. Some people need tricks. But I stand by my belief that RtK is not a good way to become literate. If it does help you remember, then sure, use it. But along with every kanji you learn that way, learn everything else.
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