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zed (Offline)
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01-26-2009, 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
There is no such thing as non-degradable waste. Some waste takes longer to degrade than others, but it all eventually degrades. I agree that pollution is a problem, but we aren't talking about plastic or paper here, we are talking about global warming.

Co2 is not a pollutant. It is necessary to life, as plants breathe it as we breathe oxygen. It does not cause respiratory problems, it does not cause sickness, and, it does not cause global warming.

The current levels of Co2 in the air are as low as 1% of their levels at other times in history, and the world is still around, isn't it?

You aren't even educated enough to spell "break" properly, come back in a few years when you've learned enough to speak coherently about the subject.

As for cars producing Co2, the average car produces less than 1/3 the amount of Co2 that the average house does. If you really want to reduce Co2 you should be living in your car.
First of all, thank you for noticing my "brake" error, I will try to make sure it does not happen again,also you have to check my signature, and I want to point out that, that does not undermines my capacity of reasoning, my ability to comprehend or understand the subject nor my inteligence, logic or judgement. if you got so pissed off for one misspelled word there is something wrong with you.
now back to the subject.
I will say that Global Warming is not real only for those who have been misinformed,
All the sientists that you have to back you up are been paid by the oil and coil industries.
here are some examples:

all started with this.

In 2003 Frank Luntz (a pollster consultant) adviced Republican politiciansto cultivate the uncerttainty about climate change.
quote "Therefore you need to continue make lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate","

-Beteen 2000 and 2003 ExxonMobil gave more than $8.6 million to anti-Kioto organizations.
-Even the "Friends of Science" who are supoused to be independent are geting the money from oil companies.
in a very clever way. they recieve it from a charitabe org. via the Science Education Fund at the Calgary University. Were the oil industry conviniently makes donations.
-Sallie Baulinas, a senior Scientist and an Anti-kioto, recieves money from ExxonMobile.
-Fred Singer, received over $20,000 only acording to one oil company.and he is also linked to Exxon, Shell,Arco,Unlocal,Sun Energy and The American Gas Assosiation.

And the list goes on and on.
As Charls Montgomery (jounalist) said
"Those groups promote the minority of scientists who still dispute the IPCC consensus on climate change, creating the appearance of widespread scientific disagreement."
all this to fight government regulations that will cost alot of money to the oil and coil industry

ha. talking about making richer the rich,

I must say you have been tricked into denying what is infront of your eyes.
Or maybe your mouth is where your interests are, only you know, but you have come only to create more desinformation.
You just lost all credibility.

if you want to get more info about how it's all been cooked up by the oil and coil industries visit this site.
and read it since you have been answering without checking my references.

And thanks Aniki for sticking out for me while I was away.

Original language: spanish learning to write in be patient.
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