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(#53 (permalink))
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SceptileMaster (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 240
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: UK
01-26-2009, 08:30 PM

Well chances are that your current computer will do for recording unless it getting quite dated now. Depending on how you want to record the price will vary. Cubase Essenntial 4 (pro recording software) is reasonably priced so that solves that. And you can get a good mixer/ external sound card that works on ebay for a not much over $100. So you could get away with a decent level studio for under $1,000 (and remember even though it seems alot, it's 0.5% of the advance you'd have to pay off from my example record deal plus your free to do artistically what you want) but you need to learn to play first so you have much time.

As a beginner guitar as much as some people say bad stuff about them (it's always the people that can't play it seems though hmm) is the Squier Electric guitar and bass' are very good for the price, especially if you spend a little more and check out there vintage modified and classic vibe series. A decent lead will cost you about $20 and amp price will vary depending on whether you want one for live or one for practise.
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