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JF Ossan
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01-27-2009, 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
A question that MMM can help answer.

Have you heard of anyone that will plan their retirement in Japan (non Japanese of course). See the thing is, I pretty much gave up on the ideas of finding a job or building my career in Japan (Unless an offer shows up without myself looking). But I was thinking of retiring there instead. My plan is to:

1. Start saving!
2. Sell both my houses
3. Sell my cars (Probably worth nothing then)
3. Take out all my retirement funds and such

Then I will see how I can enter Japan. I want to do the following if possible:

1. Do some sort of things related to Karate
2. Get a used RV or somethign that size and convert it myself, drive across Japan to take pictures (Free lance photographer)
3. OR, work as a photographer for themeparks

Is this even possible?
I think you are going to have a hard time doing this. Japanese retirees are on a pension they get from the government they paid their working life through taxes. You have no pension, as you have paid no taxes. The problem is you are doing the opposite of a lot of retirees. Many Japanese retirees are moving to Guam, America, South America and other places where their money goes a lot further than in Japan.

Without a Japanese spouse, I am not sure how this could work.
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