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Niknaizorai (Offline)
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Thank you MMM - 01-28-2009, 12:23 AM

Just my thoughts ...

A japanese lady who got pregnant accidentally in Japan would be under heavy pressure from not only her parents but also Japanese society. I believe she would carry a bad reputation at least in the past. She would lose face and family reputation is a precious asset in Japan. Probably, she would feel shame of people pointing at her. Well, I guess these things are changing in modern Japan but the old people would be there to project the right thing to do. For them, she did something wrong. In western world, it would not be such a big deal in that way.

Now, the cases I am talking about are different because they happened outside the Japanese soil. Japan is a compact society. It is very important to conform to your group behavior even when inwardly you might not feel like that. For example, everybody is drinking so one must drink too. It would be an offense not to do so. Again, maybe in modern Japan it would be OK not to drink particularly if one is gaijin.

The psychological profile of the Japanese woman that would fit the cases I have mentioned before would be a Japanese woman who has somekind of identity crisis wanting to leave Japan to become independent woman or get realized as an independent woman not subject to the Japanese men umbrella. She likes Japan but also has a problem with Japan. In Japan, she would have problem dealing with Japanese traditional men or not so traditional. They just dont like Japanese men. So, they tend to avoid relationship with Japanese men in their land and try foreigner boyfriend. Of course, reality hits them hard because they discover that it is not so easy to combine communication between two very different cultures. The exception would be a foreigner that understand Japanese mind. These women start having problems with the foreign man because, outwardly, they try to behave like a western woman but inwardly they still interpret things Japanese way. Western women have a self but there is no self in Japanese culture. One's self is the group one belongs to. Japanese assume different roles and behave accordingly. If they stay long enough overseas, they start to lose their Japanesehood because they have stayed long enough overseas as to lose the Japan society pressure to conform to a certain way to do things.

Now, she is somewhat different type of Japanese woman but also she is not quite a western woman. Of course, this is an illusion because you are what you are. One is not Japanese so one cannot pretend to be and think like a Japanese not matter how long one lives in Japan.

Having said that, at the end, this type of woman would have given up relationship with foreigner as impossible and having a Japanese husband would be out of question. Basically, she has a communication, relationship and identity problem. She is discovering her true self as a Japanese woman and staying away from Japanese men projection. She also wants to have a baby that ultimately would be her psychological husband. Her world would be the baby and nothing else. She would close relationship with men as impossible just not to face relationship problem.

She would project her ideal husband in the child. Something like creating a psychological husband from that child. That child would have the best of both worlds, Japan and foreign culture.

It might sound complicated to understand but these women exist and I believe it is a hidden social phenomena in Japan.

Just my thoughts ...
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