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mrnicekid (Offline)
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01-28-2009, 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by xerotolerant View Post
i am actually more concerned with math and physics, i imagine that they would be reasonably easy to figure out with an online translator. and i really am concerned with the likely content of the mext scholarship examinaiton, which is why i also asked for a syllabus.

umm yeah about that last part, i am not in japan, near japan, or near anywheare that has that type of information. i am in the caribbean and as a result i am only able to find things like GCE and SAT past papers.
so you're trying for the 日本政府文部科学省奨学金プログラム (MEXT Scholarship)?

well then, it's a different story now.

i seriously think that you will never find the past papers to a MEXT exam, because they don't allow it to go public; but i will try to search the Japanese Education Ministry website for the papers...

i've done some light searching at the website, and at this point i can only find the past final papers for 3rd year high school students... i'll do more searching later.

i'm curious though, are you trying for a gakubu (undergraduate) or a kenkyusei (researcher) program? and i'm guessing in the field of engineering?
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