Hello, all! I'm new to the forum, but I was hoping you guys could help me.
If all goes well, I will be studying abroad in Japan from fall of 2009 through spring of 2010 (the dates are going by Japanese university semesters, though they aren't really important). I'll be going hopefully to Keio University, if not then hopefully Waseda, both of which are, obviously, in Tokyo. Neither of those programs offer a homestay option, so I'll be staying in dormitories at the universities. Since the longest I've been in Japan is a ten-day tour with a tour guide and a bunch of classmates, I'd really like some advice.
First, what should I do about my cell phone? I currently have a Verizon LG Chocolate VX8500 (not that that's important either, just the Verizon part). Currently, it's not supported overseas, and while I can't navigate Verizon's website to save my life, I'm wondering if it wouldn't just be cheaper to get a Japanese phone. My mom would prefer I stick with Verizon, because she and my grandparents are on it as well and she's hoping there's a good international plan that doesn't charge $2.00 a minute, but I don't think there is one. Is there a cell phone provider that has good international plans, or anything perhaps specifically for people who are living abroad to communicate overseas? What would be the cheaper, more convenient option--getting a phone for a year in Japan, or sticking with Verizon and hoping they have a good overseas plan?
My second question can probably only be answered by girls. I'm currently on the birth control pill Yaz--can I get it filled over in Japan? Will it be more expensive? Or should I have a family member fill it in the U.S. and send it to me?
Thirdly, I am from Las Vegas. I'm currently attending university in Hawaii. I stay in a dorm, and while I've already decided that I will see if a friend can store my fridge and fan (since I'm coming back here), but what stuff should I leave home and what stuff should I take with me to Japan? I'm going back home over summer so I'll be taking most of my things anyway, and clothes and shampoo and whatnot are a given. However, will my bedding fit the beds over there? Will I
need things like a fridge or a microwave in my dorm room in Japan? How big are they, anyway?
I'm almost done, I swear! How easy is it for students to get part-time jobs over there? Even though I've been studying Japanese for four years, I'm not confident that I speak enough to go through the application process, let alone actually teaching any students or communicating with native Japanese people as a store worker or something. What kind of jobs are ideal for exchange students over there?
And lastly, at least for now, are there any tips on navigating the subway system? I didn't really have a lot of experience riding it, though I am proud to say I only got lost once.

Are there any yearly passes or student passes or anything?
Sorry for so many questions, though I might be back to ask more eventually, haha. Any help is greatly appreciated, as is any other advice you might have to offer. Yoroshiku!