01-28-2009, 09:46 PM
Don't let people put you off playing bass if you want. Guitar players that think guitarists are better bass players than bassists can't know what they're talking about. It's all because of rock taking over and screwing bass and guitar playing up. I don't have anything against rock because good rock music is as good as good any music but you can't learn anything from it and it very simple. Proper bass players can swing things, fill out the song with an appropriate bottom end, improvise walking bass lines and all the things. You don't learn anything from sticking to root notes of whatever chord the guitar player is playing.
Real bass playing it very different from guitar playing and don't anyone put you down for either playing bass or wanting to play bass. This coming from someone who is primarily a guitar player... guitar is not more important than bass and bass is not more important than guitar. The only thing similar between the two is the construction and the technique, they both have different uses.