01-29-2009, 11:56 AM
Thanks Nagoyankee,
I choose the French one, for sure^^ thanks for it, that's cool^^
Concerning the sentence, you say it's not correct but if I want to say to someone during a talk (just for my knowledge because there is no one talking japanese close to me) something like this: "I created the picture", can I say:
- 私が絵は作リました [わたし が え は つくりました]
- 私は絵を作リました [わたし は え を つくりました]
or just
- 私作 (it's not pretty informal!)
or I'm so so far from the truth^^
I'm reading some papers about particles but it's not easy, that's why I prefer to have example in relation with my work or hobbies for a better learning and understanding.