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godwine (Offline)
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01-30-2009, 03:10 AM

Originally Posted by rukia29 View Post
I have to agree with you! My husband graduated with a 4.0 top of his class and still has not got a job due to lack of experience. His degree is in network communications and business mgt and it is a Bachelors. Absolutly crazy. At any rate I have to agree with everyone Japan is not easy to get into but we have help! We know the consulat of georgia, and we are membors of the japn-america society of ga. If you all would love a really great place to start on your journy to Japan there ya go..japan-america society of whatever your state. Check it out. As everyone has said you have to work for your dreams. We are both taking japanese classes through JASG and my husband will be taking the business Japanese have to want something bad enough to work for it to suceed.
Yup... i am in the same boat.. Electrical Engineering background with a master in ISM... 10+ years of experieince in the computer field, speak Japanese, also have several other certification.. nothing
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