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(#15 (permalink))
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XKira (Offline)
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Posts: 16
Join Date: Jan 2009
01-30-2009, 06:08 AM

I'm reading all of this and it's pretty interesting, although my answer is still the same, I don't chase and I don't like to play "that" kind of game. I don't think it's being lazy or stupid if you don't go after the girl, I mean it's just one girl. Very few people truly fall in love at first glance and unless that's what you're feeling I wouldn't waver for too long. It is true that a lot of girls are still being raised in the old fashion manner of letting the guy ask, but I'm the type that likes to start out my own, and if they're fine with clinging to their parents old ways then I don't think we have anything to talk about. Don't get me wrong, I respect my parents and their life style but if it's not what I want then I respectfully decline.
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