Japan≠Anime? -
01-30-2009, 10:42 PM
There's something that's begun to bug me (to the extreme) about Japan.
And that's Anime.
I don't mean this in a "Let's all debate and get mad" (I think it's called trolling? Not big on forum lingo) sort of way, but just like a "healthy debate" sort of way. Don't know quite how to say it :s
Well, is anyone else more or less fed up about this whole Anime craze that's linked to Japan? I mean it's not really as prevalent in Japan as people seem to think yet that seems to be the one big hook thats pulling people to Japan. I just love so many things about Japan that the automatic assumption that I'm an anime kind of person (I don't watch any of it, nor do I read any manga) is just crazy. Especially the number of times people at school have been giving me the "Oh. You're THAT kind of person" look at school when I tell them I'm going to Japan for a year and I know exactly whats on their minds as they give the look. I mean, I'm a strong individual but the fact they have that false presumption against me is just unnecessary and annoying and I wish there was something other than anime that was seemed to be the main hook for foreigners.
Again, I don't mean this in a "troll" kind of way. I'm just curious if anyone shares my opinions or has anything to say about it.

Clicky my signature for my experiences-in-japan blog