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samurai007 (Offline)
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01-31-2009, 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by YoshimiTheEthereal View Post
Does Japan have no dryers or something? What is with you people not using a dryer? And is it true that to use the toilet, you have to squat over top of it?

If Japan is so bad, what country other than the US would be the best in which to live, then? I think Japan seems to have a lot of freedom and is rich in history, honor, and hard work. I am seeing a lot of push factors coming into my life making me want to 'shop around' and visit other countries to see where would be the next best place to live. I really don't think Japan is as bad as what you are saying. Maybe it is, but I am sure there is not many better places.
Yes, clothes dryers are extremely rare, and those they do have tend not to work very well. I think it has something to do with the electrical power in Japan. While quite a few people there own a washing machine (often with cold water only), I don't think I ever saw a privately owned dryer. Some professional laundromats had them, but that's all. Maybe things have begun to change lately?

And squat toilets were thankfully not all that common. My school had them, as did the train station and a few other places (some restaurants, etc). I avoided them unless it was a dire emergency. But the majority of places had western style, and a few even had electrical gadgets like a seat warmer.

But like MMM said, this isn't a "hate Japan" thread, we've all lived there, and loved it. Like I said, I wouldn't trade my time there for anything. But there are also some realities, some hardships, that never seem to be discussed with those eager to live there and who've never been, and that's the purpose of this thread, to point out some of the realities of living in Japan (and other foreign countries with very different cultures, languages, traditions, and amenities).

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

Link to pictures from my time in Japan
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