Originally Posted by trainswithsnakes
Okay, I'd like to talk to someone, ANYONE, that is a fan of Naruto. I usually ask a few questions to get it started. So here are the questions and my answers!
1. Who is/are your favorite character(s)? I really don't have any particular favorite
2. Do you support any pairings? If so, which ones? I LOVE pairings! Don't hurt me. I support:
Don't hate me because a lot of them are crackships.
3. What opening was your favorite? Well...my favorite song of all time is No Boy, No Cry, but I loved the animation in the season 8 opening, Remember.
4. What video games have you played?  I've only played Ninja COuncil 3 and Ninja Destiny, but if I don't get any new ones for Christmas then let's hope that nmy parents saved the reciepts for my presents.
5. Do you have any OCs? Yes, lots.
6. Do you write fanfiction? Yeah but I'm terrible.
7. Do you draw fanart? I drew some of the characters last year, but they were horrible.
8. Just for the heck of it, what is your favorite color? Green, definitely.
9. Another just for the heck of it, what is your favorite non-anime/manga thing? I don't know...Harry Potter maybe.
Well....my answers have slightly changed. I've now played Path of the Ninja 2 and one other that I can't remember. I don't think I'm as terrible with fanfiction as before. But I still support the same pairings, like the same openings, I still have my OCs, I still like Harry Potter, and I think I like green more than I used to!