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samurai007 (Offline)
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02-01-2009, 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by minimin View Post
Wow, this is an interesting thread. I always wanted to visit Japan wondered what it would be like this thread is like alittle insight into that thought. I wonder If I could last a summer...I do notice alot of people put Japan on a always seemed interesting and intrigued me as a place i would want to visit, and still do. One of my friends told me the health care is lacking, though he's never been there, what would anyone who's been there actually say???
I never had to visit a doctor while I was there. The folks I know who did visit one were either very fluent in Japanese, or they had to take someone to translate for them, since many doctors can't speak much (if any) English, and describing exactly what's wrong and how you feel is important to a proper diagnosis and treatment. They said they got good care, but that the medicine/drugs they were given seemed to be weaker/less effective than drugs in the US. (Maybe the dosages were smaller?)

Dentists in Japan were almost universally to be avoided at all costs, to the point of 1 person I knew flying home to have some dental work done! (Well, she was going home anyway, but she held off on having the work done for quite a while so that she could do it at home).

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

Link to pictures from my time in Japan
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