Thread: CSI Manga (?)
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02-01-2009, 07:16 AM

"Hip phrase" or not. If the "picture book" sells, it sells japan made or not no matter the style. As long as the picture book is apealling to the audience than it'll sell no matter how much you argue the fact that it's not Japanese made.

It's like the Vampire thing. That is not of Japanese origin and yet it's in these titled "hip phrased" "picture books" and it sells. How many other books that were comics made into "hip phrased" "picture books" are there and have been successful?

And why not make a "hip phrased" "picture books" about on field detective work in the field of catching the bad guy in a whole different scenario. It'd be interesting to see, I haven't read a "hip phrased" "picture books" like that...yet. Now if it bothers you that the use of the "CSI" name is being used. Than you need to read past that. There are so many stories out there that so is like the other, teen girl in high school for the most part. Oh wait...I get high school girls in tiny skirts with big chests are most likely not gonna be in it. heh. I wonder how the CSI team would look like... I wonder if it'll be as interesting as DeathNote.

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