Originally Posted by MissHoneyBeeee
sounds cool! >w< my sister used to scrapbook all the time
i wish i knew how to do this! when my mom comes home i'll ask her if her cheesecake recipe is healthy
OH YEAH HUH! speaking of cheesecake:
i was thinking we'd have cheesecakes inside of small cups where the crust is all around it - not just at the bottom! we'd have the good kind too! graham cracker!!! <3 plus, we could have different flavors too 
ok... scrapbooking... i do that alot, but its usually just me taping pics of my favorite j-rock stars in a notebook... X3
1 fact: cheesecake is never... NEVER healthy... XD
but i agree... we should have many different flavors for what we are going to be selling... <3 YUM!