Originally Posted by Miyavifan
You're welcome.
Are there any outfits you want right now?
i want plenty of outfits... lol... just got no money... >.<
OK!!! since i havent been on here in a while, with it being the latter half of my senior year in HS, i figured i would come to my favorite website and give everyone a shout-out!!! ^__^
here we go!!!
Originally Posted by Kirotighta
Mmhm, I was just under the impression that this was a lolita focused thread, since it's called "Lolita Clan" you know? I dunno... Japan Forum seems to be pretty disorganized.
Oh, and your dress looks lovely, though I can't see the quality of the lace. If I were you I'd take off the large satin bow, because as we know, satin is a lolita no-no. Unless maybe its in small portions, like a ribbon or two, but that is a pretty big bow. And, I know this must be hard for you, as well endowed you are, be careful of the cleavage lol. Remember, modesty is the best lolita policy! ^_^
*pfft* thank you... i can't help that the dress was made like this (with the bow)... i cant take it off, or the dress loses the Shinya-like qualities... but it looks ok... and i am sorry that i have a pretty big chest... XD lol but i can try... i just needed a different style of dress... thats why i want a puffy-sleeved blouse when i get my goth-loli jumper dress im going to buy with my birthday monies (july... :'( )
Originally Posted by magicalgirlj
name- Jenny Szablak (magicalgirlj)
age- 18
favorite type- Punk lolita
brand- Baby The Stars Shine Bright
store- Candy Violet
colors- Red and black
likes- the fashion, the frills, the lace
dislikes- the strict standards
anyways i love all types of lolita fashion. I would love to join.
Originally Posted by NettoKun
Name:jeanette(but my friends call my netto-kun)
Favourite Type of Lolita:sweet and gothic
Favourite Lolita Brand:don't have one yet
Favourite Lolita Store:lolita kisama
Favourite Colours:black, white,red,and pink
Likes and Dislikes:likes: the designs and lace^^ dislikes: nothin really
Originally Posted by AkiraChambela
Name: Kit, Kitty or Kitty-Cat
Age: 16
Favourite Type of Lolita: Gothic or Elegant Gothic Lolita and Sweet Lolita
Favourite Lolita Brand: Moi-même-Moitié
Favourite Lolita Store: Lolita Kisama and In the Starlight
Favourite Colours: Black, Red, Pink, White, Lime Green
Likes: Visual Kei, Music, Designing, Drawing, Writing, Reading and Random walks
Dislikes: Spiders, Thunder and snobby people oh and the hot circle called the sun
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
You're welcome.
Oh, thank you!!
Name: Miyavifan (in RL I'm Jessy)
Age: 36
Favourite Type of Lolita: Gothic Lolita mainly (especially Mana's type)
Favourite Lolita Brand: Moi Meme Moitie
Favourite Lolita Store: Midi:Nette
Favourite Colours: black, blue, purple, red
Likes and Dislikes:I dislike closed-minded people, mean people, headaches, racists, people are against others just because of their nationality. cruelty to animals, people putting down things or people they don't understand or like.
I like singing, dancing, meeting people, watching tv and movies, listening to music. cats. shopping.
Hey jess... i was wondering when you were going to find me again... XD KYO WILL MEET US ONE DAY!!!
Originally Posted by KaidaXoxo
Name: Kacine
Nicknames: Kai, Creep
Age: 18
Favourite lolita: Gothic
Favourite brand: Moi-meme-moitie
Favourite store: I like many
Favourite colours-Black, Red, Blue, Silver
Likes: Cotton dreads, short dresses, pvc, eyeliner
Dislikes: onions, cabbage, homophobes, superficial people.
is that ok? n_n
WELCOME EVERYBODY!!!!!!!! so many new peoples... >.< sorry i havent gotten the chance to say "hi" yet... with all the homework....
Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
I'm tryin to get to it but everything seems to interfer...I know have track practice til 4:30 and tons of homework because my teachers can't understand that we need breaks from homework sometimes. And all these other things around the house...plus I gotta help my friend figure out where we're gonna go...well its more like where we're gonna stop to take breaks
i agree... i will try to get it when i can... government and german homework doesnt help my situation... >.< but whenever i have free time... i will record it!!! <3
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
I think you look beautiful. You had said something about Keaton, and what he said, right? He's an idiot.
Misa... I love this Hello Kitty dress.. and you are beautiful, too.
seems I'd be older than anyone here... so I'm not sure about joining, even though I like some of these styles, and hope to wear them soon, even if only rarely.
well... arigaotu. yes, keaton keeps bothering me and my language-skills... and bout me being fat 'n stuffs... hes still talking to me kinda putting me down... i wish i could make him go away... >.< :'(
~but thank you... -^__^-
and i agree... miss missa, you look darling. very beautiful... <3
you... are older than many of us here... as i recall from those past PM convos we had... but who cares?!? you are only as old as you feel!!! -^__^- you needed to be here. you have people who know you here!!! ^__^ dont worry!!! <3
and all: question!!! who has a love to spend valentines day with? and if you are alone, are you going to do something lolita on that day? i am *hopefully* going to bake cookies and sip tea that day, since no one loves me here... :'(

i wore my dress and ate this cake at lunch that day... it was.... yummy!!! and beautiful!!!