Originally Posted by lself
I think he's a very skilled guitar player. But then again I know practically nothing about guitars. But he sounds good to me. I love his voice too, although i've heard some people say they don't think he's a good singer. Not true in my opinion. I hope he tours all around the US again, yay yay yay!
I love his slapping, it is so awesome. Most of my fav songs of his are ones where it's just him and his guitar, and his slapping.
miyavi himself say that he isn't a good singer.. he thinks it's his weak point xD okay he may not have the biggest voice compared to eg. Gackt-sama, but he still have an amazing unique voice (^.^)
I got a BIG miyavi poster home in the middle of january.. but it was a birthday gift for my sister =w= Do you know how hard it is to just give such a big miyavi poster away? O.O