Originally Posted by Tenchu
That is not what I meant. When primative species of man first made his way onto the African savanah the first tools he was found using were sharp rocks used to cut meat from the carcas. It is well known that early man was hunted by various species of large cat, and it was in his interest to cut the carcas up quickly and make an escape with the meal to safety to eat.
So not only is meat responsible for mans first tools, which are the grandfather of tools we still have today, like the axe, yet the meat diet of man also coincides with a large jump in brain size. The idea of organized hunting would challenge a stupid animal, this is why predators almost always have brains twice the size of their prey. Yet, also, the meat eaten has the exact vitamins and minerals in it to help fuel brain development.
The whole concept and everything about mans first meat meal is what triggered the entire future as we have for mankind. We are like this today solely because our ancestors were omnivores.
A person might be able to live a healthy life without meat for one life time, yet most will find they have deficencies and have to take supplements to combat their unatural diet. But it goes without saying, if meat was removed from mans diet altogether it could seriously change the species we are today.
Meat is a natural diet for us.
Oke. I hear ya..
But our ancestors were people who didn't have the food we have today.
We can prepare ourselves a lot of meals that do not include meat,
a lot of vegetables are delicious and good for you.