Originally Posted by Odin
If I understood you, then I would suggest doing a complete erasure of the drive. Most of the time the operating system's built in tools are insufficient to do this properly. I suggest one of the following utilities:Both of these utilities need to be copied to a CD/DVD, floppy disk, or USB memory stick. They are both have thierown OS and the system needs to boot to the programs in order to work.
*** WARNING: These are powerful untilites. ***
*** Anything you erase with them can not be restored!!! ***
Well these programs would work because they are used to low lever format a harddrive. However that is only necessary when data is needed to be Zero'd or Nullified totally on a HD. For instance, if a hard drive is going to be sold to a third party and has been used, it needs to be Zero Filled so that data can't be brought back up, since it is never fully deleted.
Therefore, I don't think a low-level format would do anything different than any other type of format would, other than being able to do it outside of an OS.
I really think there is something wrong with the hard drive itself and its ability to retain information.
Then again, you could be right and I could be totally wrong too.