02-05-2009, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the speedy reply, samurai!
It's not so much the technicals I want to know, considering I've done a great deal of research.. I just wanted to hear some personal little stories regarding the quality of the program, and how difficult teaching Japanese kids can be.
So you're saying the majority of people end up paying all their own rent? Or did I misunderstand?... And, if so, how much was your rent? I know each situation differs, and living arrangements vary, but did you have enough money to pay rent and save up (aswell as doing the occasional sight-seeing)?
EDIT: Does knowing moderate Japanese help? I've taken it in High School and plan on taking it for all of College... I'm not sure why, but I don't want that to hurt my chances! I have a feeling they want English-only people, mainly so the students/teachers can practice out their English with someone who doesn't know Japanese. Any ideas?
Last edited by burkhartdesu : 02-05-2009 at 08:23 AM.