Originally Posted by Niknaizorai
Also, police have much more freedom than their western counterparts in making arrests and interrogations. For example, the police may hold someone on suspicion, without filing an actual charge, and keep that person incommunicado for more than three weeks while they are questioned. I have never met anyone who this was done to, however; you don't really have to worry too much about it happening to you.
The police do pay some special attention to foreigners, however; because of Japanese stereotypes that foreigners are more likely to be criminals, foreign residents get stopped on the streets a lot more--especially if you are a foreigner who rides a bicycle, and thus look like you stole it. When the police stop you, on foot or on bike, they will ask to see your Alien Registration Card ("Gaikokujin Toroku-sho"), popularly called a "gaijin card" by those required to carry it. This used to be a small booklet with a dozen or more pages, but has been cut down to the size of a driver's license. If the police stop you and you cannot produce your card, they will probably take you to the police station where you must fill out explanation and apology forms. Someone must then bring the card to the station before they will release you. "
This is true. I was the only Gaijin living in my neighborhood and was stopped all the time and asked for my Gaijin card. Also, my apartment was searched a couple of times while I was at work. I still don't know what for. When I complained, my employer told me I had no right to complain since they paid the rent. I also had police officers stationed outside my apartment for several months (I didn't mind the cute and friendly policewoman though

). The only thing I could figure is that some crime was happening and being the only foreigner in the area they were looking at me. Of course I didn't do anything. They were always polite and American police usually aren't so nice, so I really don't hold a grudge against them.