Originally Posted by Nyororin
Fukui is known for having the happiest residents... And the most money. Mainly because there is nowhere to spend it. Even in Fukui-shi, Pia shut down so there isn`t really much left. Everyone sort of gives everyone else food, so you don`t have to spend much there... Plus because all the houses are so big and cheap, it`s really rare to not live with extended family so that`s even more money to save.
Wow small world... ahaha, small island country! Well that's awesome.
Yeah, there was not much to do at all... I mean, not alot to do that required shelling out a lot of money. They lived comfortably with all the luxuries, but yet they needed nothing!
We spent a great deal of time visiting neighbors and family members-- a very close nit community! Everyone seemed to know each other somehow.
My family and 3 other neighborhood families (who all geniunely got along) went and watched fireflies for hours! Takefu is beautiful! We climbed a local mountain (don't remember the name) and did Zen meditation with a real Buddhist priest!
<--- Best memories of Japan