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Niknaizorai (Offline)
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Koir - 02-06-2009, 10:25 AM

To state an opinion is easy. To backup your opinion with research is another thing. That takes time.

Most importantly, it is not what you say but your attitude and how you make your point in discussion.

He explains the art of Hara because he considers that important for the West to understand Japan, because in "haragei" one finds a key operating principle to be followed by anyone who wishes to be a sucessful communicator in Japan.

Just in case you dont know, he passed a very rigourous exam given by the US Embassy in Tokyo for Japanese simultaneous translators. He was born in 1940 and he researched intercultural communication problems in depth.

These are extremely basic concepts to understand if you want to really, sincerely, venture into Japanese way of communicating.

Some researchers have devoted a lot of time to think and research about these issues and I would not advise you to challenge them blindly. You fooling no one and you are not doing yourself any good.

This people provide very essential insights into the Japanese culture.

I quoted (" ")him and I stated the source of this information to backup my opinions.

I was laying out a framework for a constructive discussion.

Forum was a place where in ancient Roma people used to exercise open discussion.

By the way, I didnt join the forum to play ping pong.
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