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02-06-2009, 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by VampireGirl1314 View Post
*boring* okay i get the point even though i like the heavy metal and all i just didnt like Mettalica.
but when i first heard SlipKnot's music it was awesome its like something ive never heard because ive listened to a lot of music i mean have you heard Linkin Parks stuff its a lot like Escape The Fate's music and Simple Plan but SlipKnot you may not know if there music will live on after they die.
Sorry, but they wont. Unless they do some fantastic unique song, and not the usual ones, nobody is gonna remember them.

Linkin Park is not even heavy metal, why do you bring them in this discussion. They are a hybrid genre (rap+rock).

The heavy metal of Slipknot is not true heavy metal. It's the boring, commercial music they do to get paid more. They are mainstream, appear on MTV, Guitar Hero, just to get fans. Same tactic as Tokio Hotel. Nothing special in their music.

Look at Metallica. That's true Heavy Metal. Never went mainstream, GREAT SOLOS (something heavy metal is notable of, and surprisingly Slipknot lacks solos), great instrumental songs and great live performance (they are one of the greatest live heavy metal bands ever, probably the best).

Legend Icons (Metallica) vs Mainstream temporary catchy band (Slipknot)

There's a huge line between them. Sorry, but hating Metallica, loving Slipknot and THEN claiming to love Heavy Metal is plain ridiculous.

AGAIN, it's not a matter of opinion, if you like Heavy Metal, you like Metallica, they are the main reason this genre came to our generation.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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