Originally Posted by Ningyou
There's nothing wrong with that. I was just saying that if you really listen to JRock then your opinion is probably different. I like over 200 bands/artists, so I feel like Dir En Grey has lost their appeal compared to other great JRock bands. If you're used to American music or anything like that then that is probably why Dir En Grey appeals to you.
And there all Japanese bands and artist?? I generally like music that appeals too me and I've had my music taste picked apart before. But just because I like alot of American music isn't the reason why Dir En Grey appeals to me. They appeal to me because there still different, if you listen to there most current album against say a 30 Seconds to Mars, or AFI, or Even Chevelle whom I would call Mainstream american bands, they don't sound similar at all. Not even close. I found them because they were different not because they were Americanized.