first music:
i really dont get into any of them... lol... but i do get into Nana Kitade (FMA ending)... and High and Mighty Color... they're probably the only chicks i listen to... oh wait! there IS Minni Moni from morning matsume... <3
~i really get into Miyavi and dir en grey, along with other heavier j-rock/pop/metal peoples... and Dj SiSeN!!! <3
ok... now the second(s) lol:
Originally Posted by lovelyxlolita
Favourite Type of Lolita: Gothic
Favourite Lolita Brand: Moi Meme Moitie
Favourite Lolita Store: h. naoko
Favourite Colours: neon-pink, black, red, purple
Likes and Dislikes: likes; lolita, aristocrats, versailles, japan, tokio hotel, harajuku, visual kei, jrock
dislikes; mean people, annoying people, r&b (or rap) music.
hehe, is that alright ;_;?
welcome to our clan!!! <3 feel free to make yourself at home!!! <#
Originally Posted by Kirotighta
Shinya? *googles* I got results for Shinya Hashimoto and Shinya Tsukamoto.. The first one is a wrestler, so I'm going to assume you mean the actor lol. I had to do boobage checks on myself all saturday while I was at Ohayocon lol. My birthday is in July too! ^_^ I'll be turning 20. I used my Christmas munnies on an In The Starlight Petticoat (Which is so awesomely poofy!) and bloomers and socks. So next time I get excess cash, I'm going to either save it for something really nice, or just splurg on something not as nice but gives me more instant gratification XD.
no. i mean Shinya from Dir En Grey... lol ill post a pic of him in the dress at the bottom of my post, and a pic of me in da dress... <3 he was a really pretty guy in the old VK days... <3 boobage... lol *funny word*
i have to save up for a few things... i found some cyber goth wear i want to buy (UV reactant, glow-in-the-dark hairs)

and i want at least 2 more dresses. i am looking for part-time jobs right now, since im graduating HS soon... <3
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
She means Shinya from Dir en grey.
I think I forgot to reply to this.
It's the same for me. So much I want, so little money.
My bdays in July too.
You mean me, I'm guessing. I almost met Kyo.
どういたしまして。(you're welcome)
I know how you feel. I've had issues with him too.
oh, you mean me? well, yeah.... but what can ya do?
Well, that's true!!  Thank you. *hugs*
*sighs* I wish I did..... but maybe things can change.
It's a tough situation for me right now, if ya'd care to hear about it(in a PM?)
That's cake looks delicious. and pretty also. How'd you make it?
~ol, yeah i do. shinya... <3
~ts all good. people forget... lol
i agree. with my econ problems where i live, its hard for me to find a job, too
*hen is everyones b-day in july? mine is on July 11th... <3
yeah... :'[ i almost met him, too... i wish i would've... he spit in my mouth tho... (XD) when i saw him in concert a few months back... <3
~you're welcome!!! its np, actually... <3
*the cake was a box-cake (hey im a student with like, no $... what can i do?) but the frosting was butter-cream, and i had special piping icing in a tube to do the decorations... i put a strawberry on top, and the things on the sides of the strawberry was broke-in-half strawberry pocky... <3 it was really yummy... i baked it in a tin can (you know like the ones for corn 'n stuffs?) lol... it worked out well... <3
Shinya, BTW: