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zed (Offline)
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02-08-2009, 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
That just made no sense.

ARose, if you need a better translation I can do it.

"Desde que terminamos, no la volvi a ver, mas que un par de ocasiones al saber que se casaba y tiene un precioso bebe"

The tense used there is wrong. Literally translated it would be: "when I heard she was getting married and has a beautiful baby"; which would be wrong in English as well.

<Since we broke it off I haven't seen her again, except for a couple of times when I heard she was getting married and had had* a beautiful baby>.
you nailed it, I was thinking the same thing but you made a such a good translation. your spanish is realy good

the next part should be,
-al sentarme a tomar un cafe en aquel lugar por Central Park,-
-upon sitting down to drink a cup of coffe in that place by Central Park,- or
-while sitting down to drink a cup of coffe in that place by Central Park.-

I think lizzey got the rest of it right.
and the part -after having spent so much water under the bridge-
I think is a metaphore for having talked about everything and anything, nothing personal. If you get me.

this is what I understood from the other sentence,
-"decepsionado, creo que estoy perdiendo el porque el maestro me llamo Perspectivo one."-
-disappointed,I think I am beginning to wander (doubt) why the teacher called me Perspective one.-
I think we need to see the context to understand the sentence.

Hope it helped

Original language: spanish learning to write in be patient.

Last edited by zed : 02-08-2009 at 04:41 PM.
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