Originally Posted by Nyororin
Sad thing is, no one will get your bit of protest.
As long as you don`t order or eat whale, I don`t see the issue. If it were indeed something niche, with only a small number of places serving it - I could see the effort. Otherwise... well... Even small grocery stores have it so it will be quite hard to find food if you avoid all establishments that serve or sell whale.
Just don`t buy it.
Maybe... I'll still try and only eat out of restuarants that don't serve it though but yeah... if it is that much of an inconvenience to avoid in grocery stores then I guess I'll have to make some concessions.
It's easy for restaurants. I like Japanese food but I can eat it anywhere from America to China. Furthermore I like other kinds of food just as much... like Italian, South American, Indian, Chinese.... so whatever.
I'm not really doing out of protest... well not to draw attention or anything.
Just a personal thing I will have set myself.