02-10-2009, 06:54 AM
Amazing how different the accounts given by Sea Shepard and the actual whaling team differ. The Japanese side tells of having all different types of horrors done to them - raw sewage thrown onto their vessel, violent attacks one after another, attempts to knock them offboard, theft of THEIR video footage of what Sea Shepard is doing to them - what Sea Shepard jumps on their ship to do - take down cameras, ruin food and fresh water... something that could result in death. And anyone who says that isn`t that bad has never been out to sea with a limited stock of fresh water.
Even if both sides are presenting themselves in the most positive light, Sea Shepard is still engaging in dangerous activities that put both themselves and the Japanese fleet at risk of losing their lives.
I don`t think whaling is necessary - but then again, I don`t live in an area where whaling has always been a diet staple or around families that have always been whalers.
Either way, I still hate Sea Shepard with a passion because they are indeed going about it in the wrong way and lying left and right about "safety". Try hunting down Japanese footage of them instead of watching only their heavily edited tapes making them look like heroes. Regardless of their "goals" - they`re little more than pirates.
I really hate those who lie to forward themselves in the public eye.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
Last edited by Nyororin : 02-10-2009 at 06:56 AM.