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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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02-10-2009, 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by StangGuy View Post
There can be no "victory" against Japan in regards to stopping this whaling. It is legal and sanctioned by the IWC. When the moratorium on commercial whaling was approved, Japan intended to launch an objection to it. This would have allowed them to continue full commercial whaling, they withdrew their objection under pressure from the US. Norway, on the other hand did file an objection and kills about the same number of whales as Japan every year. If somehow the IWC changes their mind and decides that whaling in all of it forms should be banned, Japan would withdraw from the IWC and they would be legally allowed to begin commerical whaling. Japan has also threatened to withdraw if progress towards the IWC goal of resuming commercial whaling doesn't continue.

I would say that the Japanese coast guard is pursuing the Steve Irwin because the actions of Sea Shephard constitute piracy. Even their captain Paul Watson has admitted that what they do could be considered piracy under the UN law of the Seas. Japan has stated that they will attempt to arrest anyone that interferes with whaling operations and because what Sea Shephard is doing is piracy the Steve Irwin could be sunk legally if Japan saw fit to do so.
Victory will come when Japan makes whaling illegal. If they pull out of the IWC then I hope my government makes the decision to disrupt the operation with our own air force and navy. I'm not suggesting lethal force but disrupting the whale fleet's sonar and underwater microphones and using blocking techniques with the faster ships than the sea shephard.

Hopefully such tactics will make Japan's whaling operation too expensive and not commercially viable. (As far as I'm aware they already rely on government subsidies)

We will win... because the world is against Japan and because the area where they hunt is our (Australia and New Zealand's) "backyard" so to speak.
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