Originally Posted by Nyororin
I don`t think whaling is necessary - but then again, I don`t live in an area where whaling has always been a diet staple or around families that have always been whalers.
Either way, I still hate Sea Shepard with a passion because they are indeed going about it in the wrong way and lying left and right about "safety". Try hunting down Japanese footage of them instead of watching only their heavily edited tapes making them look like heroes. Regardless of their "goals" - they`re little more than pirates.
I really hate those who lie to forward themselves in the public eye.
I hope the whaler's die frankly. I would love to see an F/A-18 drop a bomb on their fleet (Wishful thinking of course)
If whaling is a tradition to them then let them use the boats and tools they used in the 1300's in their own waters.
New Zealand used to whale... we don't call it a tradition.
Also the Japanese are hypocrites if they site tradition as an excuse. Look up the fishing rights of the Ainu.
Japan's whaling logic doesn't cut two ways - Los Angeles Times